Traditional Irish sessions (seisiún) in Bristol
There are many good traditional music sessions in Bristol where you can play the fiddle. Many, but not all of them, are traditional Irish music sessions. I currently run two traditional Irish sessions in Bristol – details below. I will post a list here soon of some of the other sessions that I have played in.
Irish sessions I run in Bristol
The Star Inn, Fishponds – every Wednesday evening (except the 2nd Wednesday of each month!), 8.30pm. This session is very long-running and probably one of the best known traditional Irish sessions in Bristol. Pre-Covid this was often a very large session, and it still often attracts a crowd, though we try to keep the number of players manageable now.
The Shakespeare, Totterdown – the 2nd Thursday of each month, 8.30pm.
Both of these sessions attract players of very good standard, but are welcoming to new players. If you are interested in coming along to play at either of these traditional Irish sessions in Bristol, please do get in touch.
Other Irish sessions in Bristol
There are a number of other traditional music sessions and folk clubs in Bristol. I have played in the past at Irish sessions at The Three Tuns, The Hare on the Hill, and The Merchants Arms, though I don’t know if these are all still running. There is apparently a nice new session at Friendly Records in Bedminster, but I’ve not been able to get down there yet – I hope to soon..
There is a very nice session at The Greenbank pub, every other Tuesday (contact them to find out which week). This is a mixed session, where you’ll here English, Scottish and Irish tunes played, and perhaps more besides.
Irish sessions in Bath
I have also played in and run some of the very good traditional Irish sessions in Bath. The session at The Royal Oak on a Wednesday night has run for a number of years, and is a good session. There is also a good session at The Grapes, in the centre of Bath.