The Mouse in the Kitchen (jig)

This tutorial is for a fun Irish tune called The Mouse in the Kitchen, a lovely Irish jig. I’ve been teaching this jig to a few of my students recently, and they have been enjoying playing it.

The Mouse in the Kitchen

This tutorial takes you through the melody slowly, and shows the melody played slowly with a close up of the fingerboard.

This jig tutorial for The Mouse in the Kitchen is intended for fiddle players who can already begin to work out tunes by ear when played slowly.

For the full 35 minute tutorial of this tune including all my ornamentation suggestions, chords, bowing patterns, left hand technique tips and more, please take a look at my Online Irish Fiddle Courses.

The Mouse in the Kitchen is a two part (double) jig written by Colin Farrell, and has been recorded by Flook and other bands. It’s a fun jig to play, and I think it really captures the sound of a mouse scurrying around a kitchen!

The Mouse in the Kitchen video lesson

It’s a really popular tune in sessions. It seems to me like it had a spike in popularity about 5 or 10 years ago, but is still well-known, and often played in sessions. As a jig in A major, I find The Mouse in the Kitchen is a particularly good tune to put at the end of a set of gigs in, for example, G or D, or related minor keys. The move to A major can give a set of tunes a real sense of ‘lift’, especially if it is one that lots of people will join in with!

I hope you enjoy learning this jig, The Mouse in the Kitchen!

And for more online fiddle lessons, take a look at Irish fiddle lessons online.

Fiddle players, if you would like to take your fiddle playing to the next level, take a look at my online fiddle courses, including my free Irish fiddle course.

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